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  • Writer's pictureBeatrice Beverly

IN THE BEGINNING (originally written in 2017)

Where do I start – do I go back to the beginning (well one could ask, where does the beginning start); birth, high school graduation, marriage, kids (biological and bonus), career, repeat. NO. I chose to start when our last child went off into the world to begin his journey called LIFE.

I originally thought that this was going to be the YOU are probably asking yourself “what did I think was going to be the” – the last kid off to college of course! Well guess what, reality check NOT I miss my kids (all of them) and I want them to come back home. I want to cook for them, clean for them, yell at them, not spoke to them, kiss on them (even if they didn’t want me to), be their UBER/chauffer, travel agent, confidant, parent (not friend) and the list goes on and on and on.

I want to go to doctor appointments, dentist appointments, football games, track games, baseball games, PTO meetings, parent conferences, principal meetings (yes we have had a few of these over the past 29 years) and attend muffins with moms. I want to be on the teacher appreciation committee, team parent committee/mom and every other committee as it pertains to my children. I want to write checks for fundraisers and NOT sale the cookie dough or trash bags! I want to put band-aids on booboos, give hugs and rubs and listen when they break up with girlfriends for the 10 million/zillion time…YES this is what I want but it is not going to happen because we/I have done what GOD has purposed me to do as it pertains to my children.

Therefore, I find myself in a place of NOW WHAT – yep that is right “NOW WHAT” do I do with my life because it has truly been someone else’s life for the past 29 years. Some would say you still have your husband but that is not the same. There is a place of emptiness or should I say a void that can never be replaced because all those things that I mention above cannot be done anymore because there are no more children at “home”, I have crossed over and I am now an official empty nester (I believe I dislike that word). I have cried, cried, cried (now I only cry sometimes) and it is now time for me to put on my big girl, kid less shoes.

So again, I ask “NOW WHAT”. WELL, let me tell you…the “NOW WHAT” in me will be blogging, traveling (some local and some not so local), having new kid-less adventures and sharing my “now what’s” with all of you and I ask that you share as well because I know I am not the only one out here in the universe. I plan on doing and experiencing things for the first time and stepping completing out of my comfort zone.

I will post/daily weekly (or and if I do not have a now what for the week, I will post something. My only requests are: 1. that you be patient with me because this is my first time because remember I have been someone else's everything for the past 29 years. 2. whenever you post pictures, please #nowwhatsnexT.


PS…you can send emails to of things you would like me to talk about, do (within reason) or just share your story if you don’t feel comfortable sharing it here.

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